About Us

Our Mission

Relationships matter. Our mission is to create a movement that leads with love and leaves nothing left unsaid. We imagine a world in which loving relationships extend beyond our living years and allow souls here and elsewhere to rest easy.

Who We Are

We are a community who deeply believe that relationships are at the core of the human experience. We are therapists, designers, philanthropists, parents, siblings, doulas, friends and more. Collectively, we are inspired by a particular form of love, Storygay. Storgay, one of the seven forms of Greek love, describes the unique bond between a parent and child, siblings, family and even friends, chosen or otherwise. We aspire to run a business that is ethical and responsible to employees, customers, the environment and past, current and future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Legacy Gift?

A Legacy Gift offers an ongoing connection beyond our living years through meaningful gifts and a personal note.  Legacy Gifts are either sent now to be opened after ones passing or sent in the future.  They acknowledge special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, meaningful holidays or as a spontaneous surprise accompanied by little nudges of love, like the ones hidden in a grade school lunch box.

Why was Legacy Gifts created?

For most of us, the relationship between a parent and child is precious.  It’s unique.  It’s irreplicable and irreplaceable. When this relationship comes to an end, it is a devastating loss for both parents and children. To say a final goodbye is one of the most universally heartbreaking experiences for any parent and child. But this doesn’t exactly have to be the way it is.

Legacy Gifts was created to ease this transition. As parents leave their children behind, they do not have to leave behind their connection. Legacy Gifts continues the bond and caring between parents and children, as well as between anyone passing and the loved ones they are leaving.  Legacy Gifts exists to change and evolve the experience around death and dying from complete loss to everlasting love.

Do you offer scholarships to your workshops?

Yes.  Legacy Gifts is committed to making our services accessible to all.  Be in touch with our team and let’s figure out how to prepare your legacy letters and gifts for the ones you love.  hello@legacygifts.com